

Festuca rubra rubra

Strong creeping red fescue

The most impressive strong creeping red fescue you will find

Fantastic combination of strong establishment and quality
Strong creeping red fescue is the fastest establishing type of red fescue. But they lack the density of chewings and slenders.

Looking at ROSSINANTE you believe you are looking at one of the chewings or slenders! We have never seen such an amazing density of a strong creeper before. This has taken ROSSINANTE to the very top of the STRI list in the UK and the RSM list in Germany.

Prepared for low input
Low input means, among other things, lower application of nitrogen, which again often means more red thread disease. ROSSINANTE is with the score 5.9 top of the STRI list for resistance to red thread.


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Red thread tolerance
Salt tolerance
  • Outstanding shoot density
  • Outstanding visual merit
  • Highest resistance to Red thread
  • Salt tolerant
  • Fantastic summer and winter colour