A new "major" species = tetraploid turf perennial ryegrass
Several "minor" species or varietal types appear regularly and are bringing progress with more or less importance for users, mainly for specific uses. FABIAN is in another category.
It can be considered as a new "main species" destined to occupy an important space in the turf mixtures.
The advantages can be summarised by "Anti-Stress"
In biotic as well as abiotic stress types:
Disease tolerance and other stress factors:
+ rusts
+ red thread disease
+ Microdochium patch (Fusarium)
+ leaf spot
+ wear tolerance & recovery
+ heat / drought & winter stress
Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced
Performance of FABIAN. Scale 1-9,9 = best
Source: Bulletin Gazon GEVES 2013